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Transitioning traditional healthcare data systems to blockchain systems is our team’s mission.
Lead by our team of expert developers and healthcare information leaders, Hash Health is revolutionizing the way individuals access their health records and receive treatment.

Hash Health is a data driven technology focused on improving the lives of Americans and people across the world.


Blockchain secures and decentralizes Electronic Health Records (EHRs), making them far less attractive to attacks. Built on the Etherium blockchain, we leverage our unique open source code here on GitHub and transform the flow of information across organizations.

Our Technology

Access to EHRs is one of the major roadblocks to modernizing the healthcare system in the United States. Healthcare spending accounts for nearly 18 percent of U.S GDP and medical errors account for almost one hundred thousand deaths per year.  Patients need access, ownership, and control of their data. Our goal is to empower individuals to be their own data analyst, giving them the information they need to make informed decisions about their own health.

Our Mission

Democratizing Healthcare

Your health records when and where you need them

key features

 As featured in:

We are always looking for good developers with expertise in the healthcare arena. If you are passionate about democratizing healthcare please reach out with a brief summary of your skills and interests. 

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